Post-Consumer Resin
- FDA approved
- Reduced environmental impact
- Reuses recovered plastics such as single-use items
- Fully recyclable
Packaging Made From Post-Consumer Resin
What is PCR?
PCR (Post-Consumer Resin) is plastic that has already been recycled and is repurposed, ready to use again.
It begins with the collection and sorting of recycled products — plastic bottles for example. These bottles are then separated from the other plastics, washed and cleaned of all other materials (for example the labels, bottle tops etc). The recycled plastic is then extruded and reprocessed into PCR.
Will I Compromise Quality?
As post-consumer resin consists of a blend of recycled resins (that would have otherwise ended up in landfills) it is known that there can be minor defects on the packaging and slight variations in color. However, these minor defects do not affect the overall function of the product and are strictly cosmetic.
By choosing a reliable packaging supplier, you can greatly mitigate these issues. At Emmerson Packaging, we have a graphics department that has collectively over 150 years of prepress experience. From your designs, we can develop your graphic materials that will yield optimal print quality on our presses.
While there may be a small cosmetic compromise, it is a lot less than the compromise made on the environment. When marketed properly, your customers may be willing to pay more for those imperfections — knowing your organization is taking steps toward environmental sustainability.
Why PCR?
What makes post-consumer resin a powerful product is that it has already been processed from fossil fuel to plastic, meaning there is no further impact on the environment, so PCR can be used again and again — which has long-lasting benefits not only for the environment, but on your customer retention and advocacy.
Sustainable packaging reduces excess and uses renewable materials that are lightweight, making a positive impact on the circular economy through manufacturing, distribution, and disposal. Discover the impact your sustainable packaging choice will have on the environment with our interactive comparison tool. Calculate your results now.